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Trinity Shaper

Tame your wildest transients.

Trinity Shaper is the next-generation single/multi-band transient shaping plugin, offers a revolutionary approach to dynamics processing with our signature control flexibility.

Mastering the trinity of Attack, Sustain, and our proprietary Body stages, this plugin enables you to sculpt any dynamics—whether enhancing snare punches, reducing decay, or amplifying room sounds—with just a few knob tweaks.

Furthermore, with its 'Focus' filters and multi-band mode, Trinity Shaper can target fully customizable frequency ranges—tightening snare hits by boosting midrange transients, eliminating high-frequency clicks from bass slaps, or fine-tuning dynamics across the entire mix.

Giving total definition over transients, Trinity Shaper takes your dynamics processing to the next level.

Triple-Stage Processing

Beyond the conventional Attack-Sustain division found in most transient shapers, Trinity Shaper introduces Body, a unique middle stage that forms its distinctive Triple-Stage processing. Powered by Three-body Technology's innovative detection and processing algorithm, Triple-Stage ensures precise identification and adjustment of audio elements, delivering unparalleled freedom in dynamics control.

What is the ‘Body’ stage?

Take a drum hit, for example. In two-stage transient shapers, the initial 1-10 ms of the hit is typically identified as the Attack stage, while everything that follows is grouped into the Sustain stage. This approach simply overburdens the Sustain stage, which contains not only the decay and reverb of the hit but also potential noise from the recording. Consequently, any adjustment to the Sustain affects all sounds occurring after the initial 10 ms of the transient.

Trinity Shaper’s Body stage uniquely targets the content 20-50 ms after transients to isolate most of the 'decaying' part of a drum hit, hence giving you the freedom to adjust the decay and sustain (the 'tail') parts separately.

Additionally, the lengths of Attack and Body stages are fully customizable in Trinity Shaper, allowing you to target specific audio segments with surgical precision.

Outstanding Sound Quality

ADAA (Anti-Derivative Anti-Aliasing) technology, which also appeared in our Cenozoix Compressor, is now integrated into Trinity Shaper to significantly reduce aliasing and digital distortions.

The refined envelope detection algorithm significantly reduces distortions and purifies the processed sound. Whether you’re boosting or reducing any of the stages, exceptional transparency is always guaranteed.

The complete time-domain processing further blocks FFT artifacts introduced by frequency-domain processing throughout the production.

Rock Snare - enhanced punchiness
EDM Bus - enhanced tightness
Metal Drum Bus - enhanced powerfulness
Taiko - boosted low-end transients
Drum Room Mic - reduced transients & enlarged room sounds
Drum Bus - pumping effect
Bass - polished transients of a muddy bass
Acoustic Guitar - slightly smoothed picking sound

'Focus' Filters

In single-band mode, you can use the High Pass and Low Pass filters to 'focus' your processing on a specific frequency range at each of the three detected stages.

When boosting snare Attack, we can focus on the low-mid frequencies to tighten the snare tone without emphasizing the high-end clicks.

When boosting Body, we can focus on the high-mid frequencies to increase the punch without muddying the lows.

When attenuating Sustain, we can focus on the high frequencies to reduce harshness in the tail while preserving the ringing.

Multi-band Mode

Transient Shaper also provides multi-band mode that excels at processing complex audio content. When enabled, it splits the audio into 4 customizable frequency bands, allowing for even more precise dynamics modifications.

While single-band mode can effectively handle individual instruments, multi-band mode offers greater flexibility for ‘taming’ a bus or the entire mix. Attack, Body, and Sustain can be adjusted and monitored separately on each band. The ‘Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks’ algorithm in multi-band mode achieves zero processing latency, and zero static phase shifting when no gain processing is applied.


Trinity Shaper supports switchable 2x, 4x, 8x, and 16x oversampling options, ensuring pristine sound quality under any extreme condition.


Transients are always accompanied by rapid volume changes, requiring boosts and attenuations to react swiftly. To prevent sudden shifts in volume envelopes that can occur with rapid transients, Trinity Shaper features a switchable Lookahead function, enabling advance detection of the signal to effectively smooth the curve of transients.

Lookahead OFF

Lookahead ON

Analog Modeled Clipper

Clipper (Limit) is another essential tool for transient shaping. Instead of using a cold digital clipper, Trinity Shaper implements an optional analog-modeled clipper, delivering a more transparent and warm sound with fewer artificial traces.

Flexible Side Chain Controls

Side Chain Mode

Supports two stereo processing modes: Left/Right and Mid/Side.

Stereo Linking/MS Linking

The channel linking can be adjusted to process anywhere from 100% stereo linked compression to 100% dual mono compression.

Side Chain EQ

An 8-band parametric side chain EQ, featuring intuitive controls and extreme customizability powered by our well acclaimed Kirchhoff-EQ.

More Features

  • Real-time waveform display
  • Gain change display
  • Side chain monitoring
  • External side chain
  • Dry mix
  • 20+ presets
  • Preset selector
  • Undo/Redo
  • A/B switching
  • User-defined default settings
  • Customizable behavior settings & knob speeds
  • Theme customization
  • Resizable GUI
  • Full-screen mode
  • Extreme CPU optimization
  • GPU accelerated GUI
  • Apple silicon native support
  • MacOS Retina / Windows high-DPI support


0 latency in both single and multi-band modes when oversampling and lookahead are disabled.

  • 2x Oversampling: 144 sample points, about 3.3ms at 44100 Hz
  • 4x Oversampling: 216 sample points, about 4.9ms at 44100 Hz
  • 8x Oversampling: 252 sample points, about 5.7ms at 44100 Hz
  • 16x Oversampling: 270 sample points, about 6.1ms at 44100 Hz
Minimum System Requirements
  • Intel or AMD CPU with SSE 4.1 instruction set, or Apple Silicon.
  • macOS 11 / Windows 10.
  • 4GB RAM and 100MB disk space.
Supported Plugin Formats
  • 64-bit VST2, VST3, AAX and Audio Unit.
Download & Trial

Activating Trinity Shaper requires you to have a Plugin Alliance account. If you don't have one, SIGN UP HERE.

After installing Trinity Shaper and logged in with your Plugin Alliance account, you can choose to start a 14-day free trial. A trial license is fully-functional, so you can enjoy all the features of Trinity Shaper. It will be active for 14 days after the first activation. If you are satisfied with the trial, and would like to support us, please come back to Three-Body Tech to get a full license! Read Activation Manual.

User Manual
Click to download

Version 1.1.0 (Oct 24, 2024)

New Features

- Added gain adjustment knobs for each band in multi-band mode.

- Added a button to toggle the processing order between Makeup and Limiter.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug where the monitoring status displayed incorrectly after reopening the window.

- Fixed a bug where dialog boxes displayed incorrectly in some cases.

- Fixed a bug where preset names and modification statuses were displayed incorrectly.


- Added a setting that, when enabled, displays a parameter panel for the selected band in the SideChain EQ, allowing for double-click to enable typing input for editing.

- Added a status indicator to show when sidechain mode and sidechain EQ are active.

- Improved visibility of frequency settings for bands in multi-band mode.

- Added the ability to set background images in the theme settings.

- The 'alt' key is now displayed as 'option' in the settings on Mac version.

Version 1.0.0 (Sep 12, 2024)

- Initial Release

List Price: $199

Now $79.99

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